Bangkok Christian College

Bangkok Christian College

Leagues Played
泰國丁級聯賽 10 泰國Division 2 2
Related Teams

Bangkok Christian College Football Club (Thai: สโมสรฟุตบอลกรุงเทพคริสเตียน) is a Thai defunct football club based in Bangkok. The name is derived from the Bangkok Christian College.

In 2018, the club was suspended because it fail to pass its licensing process to play in the 2018 Thai League 4 Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The team was banned 2 years and relegated to the 2020 Thailand Amateur League Bangkok Metropolitan Region. After that this club was appeal FA Thailand and pass to join 2018 Thailand Amateur League Bangkok Metropolitan Region.

曼谷基督教學院足球隊是泰國曼谷的職業足球俱樂部,目前在泰國足球乙級聯賽中競賽。俱樂部成立於 1959 年,主場位於曼谷的曼谷基督教學院體育場。曼谷基督教學院足球隊曾在 1970 年代和 1980 年代取得過輝煌成績,包括兩次獲得泰國足球甲級聯賽冠軍和一次獲得泰國足總盃冠軍。但在 1990 年代末,俱樂部由於財務問題降級到泰國足球乙級聯賽。近年來,曼谷基督教學院足球隊一直在努力重返泰國足球甲級聯賽,但還沒有取得成功。