Wikipedia - Salus Football Club

Salus Football Club is a football club from Montevideo, Uruguay. They currently play in the Second Amateur Division, the third tier of the Uruguayan championship.


On April 10, 1928, a gathering of a hundred players, family members, and enthusiasts from Nuevo París decided that the neighborhood club would operate "seriously,". They established the club and requested legal recognition on the same day. The club was named "Salus" after a bakery, the main collaborator during the neighborhood's football afternoons, where butchers and other suppliers would provide the neighbors various resources. Under this context, a Catalan shopkeeper donated blue and garnet FC Barcelona kits to the club, which is where its traditional colors originated from

薩盧斯是烏拉圭的一支足球俱樂部,位於蒙特維多。俱樂部成立於 1911 年,目前在烏拉圭足球乙級聯賽比賽。薩盧斯的主場是位於蒙特維多的埃斯塔迪奧胡安·Антони奧·拉瓦列哈。

薩盧斯曾獲得過一次烏拉圭足球乙級聯賽冠軍,那是在 1952 年。此外,俱樂部還曾獲得過一次烏拉圭足球丙級聯賽冠軍,那是在 1918 年。

薩盧斯是烏拉圭足球乙級聯賽的傳統強隊,俱樂部曾多次獲得聯賽前三名。在 2019 賽季,薩盧斯獲得了聯賽第三名。

