Atlético Roraima Clube, also known as Atlético Roraima, or just Roraima, are a Brazilian football team from Boa Vista, Roraima. They competed in the Série C in 1995 and in the Série D in 2009.

Atlético is currently ranked fourth among Roraima teams in CBF's national club ranking, at 185th place overall.


Atlético Roraima Clube were founded on October 1, 1944. They won the state championship eighteen times. They competed in the Série C in 1995, when they were eliminated in the second stage by Nacional. Roraima competed in the Série D in 2009 when they were eliminated in the first stage of the competition.

羅賴馬競技俱樂部是一支位於巴西羅賴馬州博阿維斯塔的職業足球俱樂部。俱樂部成立於 1944 年,目前在巴西足球錦標賽 C 系列的排名中位列第 17 位。羅賴馬競技俱樂部的主場是帕卡賴馬體育場。