Wikipedia - C.D. Muxes

Club Deportivo Muxes is a Mexican football club that plays in the Liga TDP, the Mexican third division. The club is based in Venustiano Carranza, Mexico City. It is the first professional Mexican football club declared as LGBT.


The team was founded in 2018 with the aim of representing the LGBT community that until then had not had a representative club, in addition to generating spaces for the visibility of these groups. In its origins, the team competed in amateur leagues in Mexico City.

In 2020 the team joined the Mexican Football Federation, Subsequently, the club registered in the Liga TDP, being placed in Group IV with other teams from the Greater Mexico City.

On 25 September 2020, the team played its first official match. Muxes defeated FC Politécnico by a score of 0–4. Pablo de la Rosa scored the club's first goal in its history in professional competition.

CD Muxes 是一支墨西哥足球隊,由來自瓦哈卡州的跨性別女性組成,該州位於墨西哥南部。該隊成立於2014年,旨在通過足球促進跨性別權利。球隊名稱中的「Muxes」一詞是瓦哈卡州薩波特克文化中對第三性別的稱呼。

CD Muxes 的球員來自不同的背景,包括教師、學生和家庭主婦。她們在通常被視為男性運動的足球中找到了力量和團結。球隊參加了瓦哈卡州的業餘聯賽,並在2017年獲得了聯賽冠軍。在2019年,他們獲得了墨西哥跨性別足球錦標賽的亞軍。

CD Muxes 不僅僅是一支足球隊,她們還是一個倡導跨性別權利的組織。球隊通過足球促進跨性別的知名度和理解,並挑戰對跨性別者的歧視和暴力。球隊還為跨性別者提供了一個安全和支持性的空間,讓她們可以做自己,而不必擔心受到歧視或暴力。

CD Muxes 的故事是一個關於勇氣、韌性和決心的故事。球隊的球員們克服了巨大的困難,包括歧視、暴力和貧困,實現了自己的夢想。她們的故事激勵了世界各地的人們,並證明了體育可以成為一種強大的力量,可以促進社會變革。